EC2 Deployment


  1. nginx: sudo apt install nginx -y

  2. jdk-11 sudo apt install jdk-11 -y

  3. nodejs and npm


  1. pull-from-github

    pulls backend and admin ui code from github.

  2. view-status

    checks the backend server running status.

  3. run-backend

    will replace the database url in backend code’s , then detect and stop existing working process and start a new one.

Run all scripts in above order. Note that maybe need to change the database url in file.

Config nginx

A example config file is in the nginx.sites-available/default, can use this to replace the original one /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.

About backend admin page

cd NUS-tour-backend-adminUI
sudo npm install
sudo npm run build:prod

The example nginx config file will map /admin url to this ./dist folder.